
A partial list of talks I have presented, most of them are about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects, and in Spanish.



  • Software patents: a replication study

    11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym. San Francisco, California, USA. August 2015

  • The right to a contribution: an exploratory survey on how organizations address it

    11th International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS. Florence, Italy. May 2015

  • On the variability of the BSD and MIT licenses

    11th International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS. Florence, Italy. May 2015

  • What is the gist? Understanding the use of public gists on GitHub

    12th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR. Florence, Italy. May 2015


  • Improving Energetic feature selection to classify protein‒protein interactions

    International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM. Beijing, China. August 2014


  • The future of continuous integration in GNOME

    1st International Workshop on Release Engineering, RELENG. San Francisco, California, USA. May 2013


  • Nautilus & Mercurial Integration (lightning talk)

    9th GNOME Users And Developers Conference (GUADEC), Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. July 7-12, 2008 [PDF (722KB)]


  • Building plugins for GNOME's applications using Python

    8th GNOME Users And Developers Conference (GUADEC), UCE Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, United Kingdom. July 15-21, 2007


  • GNOME Network

    4th GNOME Users And Developers Conference (GUADEC), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. June 16-18, 2003



  • Derribando mitos sobre GNOME (Debunking myths about GNOME)

    IX GUADEC Hispana, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain. July 30 and 21, 2012



  • Innovación y GNOME (Innovation and GNOME)

    V GUADEC Hispana, King Juan Carlos University, Fuenlabrada, Spain. July 3 and 4, 2008 [PDF (762K)]

  • Integración de Nautilus y Mercurial

    V GUADEC Hispana, King Juan Carlos University, Fuenlabrada, Spain. July 3 and 4, 2008

  • Cómo involucrarse en GNOME extendiendo las aplicaciones

    Involucrate+, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Computing and Telecommunications, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. Lima, Peru. March 7 and 8, 2008 [PDF (205KB)]

  • ¿Por qué liberar mi código? Software Libre desde la perspectiva de un desarrollador (o un pseudo-desarrollador) / Why should I free my source code? Free Software from a developer's perspective (or pseudo-developer)

    Involucrate+, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Computing and Telecommunications,, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. Lima, Peru. March 7 and 8, 2008 [PDF (1,1MB)]

  • Stop Energy en el Software Libre (Stop Energy in Free Software)

    Involucratre+, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Computing and Telecommunications, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. Lima, Peru. March 7 and 8, 2008


  • Mejores Prácticas en el Desarrollo de Software desde la Perspectiva del Proyecto GNOME (Best practices in software development from the GNOME perspective)

    I Encuentro Linux «Pingüinos en la costa», Lotinux, CFT Lota-Arauco, Lota, Chile. December 14 and 15, 2007

  • Mejores Prácticas en el Desarrollo de Software desde la Perspectiva del Proyecto GNOME (Best practices in software development from the GNOME perspective)

    1st International Conference on Systems Engineering Informática and Computing, Alas Peruanas University, Arequipa, Peru. October 10-12, 2007 [PDF]

  • ¿Por qué liberar mi código? Software Libre desde la perspectiva de un desarrollador (o un pseudo-desarrollador) / Why should I free my source code? Free Software from a developer's perspective (or pseudo-developer)

    Freedom Software Day, Faculty of Engineering, University of Talca, Chile. September 29, 2007 [PDF (736,6KB)]

  • Programación de extensiones para Nautilus (Development of Nautilus extensions)

    IV GUADEC Hispana, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. July 13, 2007

  • DTrace: Primeros pasos desde la perspectiva de un usuario de Linux (DTrace: First steps from a Linux user perspective)

    IV GUADEC Hispana, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. July 13, 2007

  • El sistema de control de versiones Mercurial (The version control system Mercurial)

    OpenCommunity, Universify of Computer Science, Santiago, Chile. June 29 and 30, 2007 [PDF (350KB)]


  • Cómo involucrarse en GNOME extendiendo aplicaciones (How to get involved in GNOME by developing applications)

    GNOME Day, 7° Encuentro Linux, Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. November 25, 2006 [PDF (412,4KB)]

  • Cómo involucrarse en GNOME extendiendo aplicaciones (How to get involved in GNOME by developing applications)

    7th GNOME Users and Developers Conference (GUADEC), Vilanova i la Geltrú, Cataluña, Spain. June 25, 2006

  • autotools: Automatización, construcción y portabilidad de proyectos (autotools: Automation, build, and portability of projects)

    7th GNOME Users and Developers Conference (GUADEC), Vilanova i la Geltrú, Cataluña, Spain. June 24, 2006

  • Python y PyGTK (Python and PyGTK)

    7th GNOME Users and Developers Conference (GUADEC), Vilanova i la Geltrú, Cataluña, Spain. June 24, 2006

  • Linux: Dónde estamos y hacia adonde vamos (Linux: Where we are and where we are going to)

    IP DuocUC college, Concepción, Chile. June 5 and 6, 2006 [PDF (2,1MB)]

  • Stop Energy

    Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre 2006 (FLISOL), IP Diego Portales college, Concepción, Chile. March 25, 2006 [PDF (67,1KB)]

  • Enanos, simios y otras alimañas: El Proyecto GNOME (Dwarves, apes and other vermins: The GNOME project)

    OpenCommunity, Universidad de Ciencias de la Informática, Santiago, Chile. March 17 and 18, 2006 [PDF (582,7KB)]


  • Web 2.0 and new technologies for organizations

    University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. December 15, 2005

  • Cómo convertirse en desarrollador en un proyecto de Software Libre (...y no morir en el intento) / How to become a Free Software developer (...and not die trying)

    6° Encuentro Linux, Arturo Prat University, Iquique, Chile. November, 2005 [PDF (307,7KB)]

  • Encuentro Linux y Stop Energy (Encuentro Linux and Stop Energy)

    6° Encuentro Linux, Arturo Prat University, Iquique, Chile. November, 2005 [PDF (104KB)]

  • Construcción de plug-ins para Gimp (Building plug-ins for Gimp)

    University of Bío-Bío, Concepción. July, 2005

  • O desenvolvimento do Software Livre no terceiro sector (Development of Free Software as volunteer)

    Sao Paulo, Brasil. July, 2005

  • Programación en Linux (Software development in Linux)

    Rancagua, Chile. July, 2005

  • El escritorio GNOME y el proyecto Mono (The GNOME desktop and the Mono project)

    Mayor University, Temuco, Chile. April, 2005

  • Enanos, simios y otras alimañas: El Proyecto GNOME

    Mayor University, Temuco, Chile. April, 2005

  • Nuevas tecnologías en las organizaciones (New technologies for organizations)

    July, 2005 University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile.


  • El escritorio GNOME (The GNOME desktop)

    5° Encuentro Linux, Federico Santa María Technical University, Valparaíso, Chile. October 21-23, 2004 [PDF (2,3MB)]


  • autotools: Herramientas para la creación de proyectos Open Source (Autotools: tools for building Open Source software)

    4° Encuentro Linux, Federico Santa María Technical University, Valparaíso, Chile. October 30 and 31, 2003

  • Ingeniería del Software Libre (Free Software Engineering)

    Congreso Nacional de Software Libre (Conasol), University of Talca, Talca, Chile. November 11 and 12, 2003

  • Software Libre y Open Source (Free and Open Source software)

    Congreso Nacional de Software Libre (Conasol), University of Talca, Talca, Chile. November 11 and 12, 2003

  • Fundamentos de la programación con GTK+ (GTK+ programming fundamentals)

    Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. 2003

  • Entendiendo un proyecto Open Source (Understanding an Open Source software project)

    Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. 2003

  • Software Libre (Free Software)

    University of Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile. 2003


  • El Software Libre en Chile (Free Software in Chile)

    University of Talca, Talca, Chile. 2002

  • GNOME 2.0

    University of Talca, Talca, Chile. 2002

  • Programación con libglade (Software development with libglade)

    University of Talca, Talca, Chile. 2002

  • Linux

    University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile. 2002


  • Linux

    IP DuocUC College, Concepción, Chile. Agosto, 2001 [PDF (720,1KB)]