Finally I am going to Brazil to the second version of Fórum do GNOME that will take place at Curitiba, Brazil. I am looking forward to meet Lucas Rocha, Sandino Flores, Tim Ney, Marcos Mazoni, Izabel Valverde and the local community. (Thanks to Celepar for funding my ticket to get there).
Also, I will be speaking about GNOME at "I Seminário de Software Livre", at Univeridade Metodista de São Paulo on Tuesday 29.
Sadly, I will not be able to attend to "III SOLISC - Congresso Catarinense de Software Livre" at Florianópolis, because I must return to my work before Friday 2.
I will do my best effort to get my slides in Brazilian Portuguese, as well as in Spanish and English (as backup. I am just a little worried if I would be able to be understood, not because of the language itself (I know they understand Spanish and I understand some portuguese as well), because I usually speak a fast Spanish, even for Chilean standards (we are known to speak fast). I hope nobody care to stop me any time is needed.